- Play by the rules of the game. Do not cheat, intentionally foul or harm other players during training or games.
- Respect the officials and to accept their decision without criticism.
- Be fair to your opponent and to treat them well – without them there would be no game!
- Encourage your team-mates and help them to succeed. Do not criticize, make fun of or make them feel unwelcome.
- Treat your coach with respect and work with the coach for the betterment of the team.
- Accept coaching instruction, correction and decisions as part of the learning process. Don’t argue with coaches. If you disagree with coaches arrange to discuss before or after training.
- Speak respectfully, openly and honestly to your coach should a dispute arise.
- There is Zero tolerance of profanity, temper tantrums, racist or homophobic language/attacks, violent or destructive behaviour (including vandalism of equipment or property), use of drugs or alcohol.
- Be generous when you win and gracious when you lose.
Failure to comply with the Code for Players may result in your suspension and/or removed from COYSA/WYSA soccer programs.
- Coaches must respect the rights, dignity and worth of each and every person and
treat each equally within the context of the sport.
- Coaches must adhere to the ‘Rule of Two’ when speaking to players. Always
have a second adult within hearing range.
- Coaches must place the wellbeing and safety of each player above all other
considerations, including the development of performance.
- Coaches must adhere to all guidelines laid down within the Constitution and the
Rules of BC Soccer.
- Coaches must develop an appropriate working relationship with each player
based on mutual trust and respect.
- Coaches must NOT exert influence to obtain personal benefit or reward.
- Coaches must encourage and guide players to accept responsibility for their own behavior and performance.
- Coaches must ensure that the activities they direct are appropriate for the age, maturity, experience and ability of players.
- Coaches should, at the outset, clarify with the player (and, where appropriate,
their parents) exactly what is expected of them and also what they are entitled to
expect from their coach.
- Coaches must co-operate fully with other specialists (e.g. other coaches,
officials, sports scientists, doctors, physiotherapists) in the best interests of the
- Coaches must always promote the appropriate Codes of Conduct and positive
aspects of the sport (e.g. fair play) to players, parents and spectators alike.
- Never condone violations of the Laws of the Game, behavior contrary to the spirit
of the Laws of the Game or relevant rules and regulations or the use of prohibited
substances or techniques.
- Coaches must consistently display high standards of behavior and experience
and be a role model for players, parents, and spectators.
- Coaches must not attend soccer events impaired (drugs or alcohol) and must
refrain from becoming impaired at soccer events where underaged participants
are in attendance.
Failure to comply with the Code for Coaches may result in your suspension and/or removed from COYSA/WYSA soccer programs.
- Set an example for your child. Good sportsmanship is not just for players & coaches.
- Do not criticize the officials – nothing positive will result. Referees can have an offensive parent removed from the field, and if they refuse, the game will be forfeited to the opponent.
- Let the coach – coach. Avoid yelling out instructions from the sidelines that can be confusing and frustrating to the players.
- Attempt to relieve the pressure of competition, not increase it.
- When cheering, try to cheer all the players, and offer encouragement when they try something or succeed at something.
- Avoid conflicts with other team’s parents.
- Communicate with your coach. If you have ideas or problems, request a time to talk with your coach.
- Have fun and enjoy the games.
- Ensure that your child is interacting consistent to their code of conduct.
- There is zero tolerance of profanity, temper tantrums, racist or homophobic language/attacks, violent or destructive behaviour (including vandalism or equipment or property), use of drugs or alcohol.
- Be generous when your team wins and gracious when you lose.
Failure to comply with the Codes for Players and Parents may result in you and/or your child being suspended and/or removed from COYSA/WYSA soccer programs.
The purpose of BC Soccer’s Criminal Record Check Policy is to ensure that BC Soccer, its members and affiliated organizations work to uphold the duty of care owed to everyone involved in sanctioned soccer activity in BC by conducting the appropriate criminal record checks.
All directors, volunteers, employees or contractors of BC Soccer or an affiliated BC Soccer organization, who are aged 19 years and older and, are participating on a regular basis in any element of youth soccer, or, who will be with a vulnerable person, must have a completed a Criminal Record Check that includes a vulnerable sector check.
ALL coaches are required to have a current CRC completed in order to coach. CRCs must be renewed every 3 years.
HERE is the link you will need to complete the online criminal records check. The access code that you will need is: GMW8Z2VNT7
Please note that the procedure is similar to a credit check. It is NOT a credit check, but you do need to answer the questions carefully. If you cannot get into the website please email info@wysa.ca for more instructions.
Some members may have to complete the CRC in person at the local RCMP detachment.
Please email info@wysa.ca to request a volunteer letter to take with you so it is free.
All WYSA players have the responsibly and right to feel safe at soccer. Respecting other players, coaches, referees, volunteers and staff is mandatory.
Bullying or any other unexpected behavior will be dealt with by team personnel or the club, and can result in missed games/practices or further disciplinary action including expulsion from the club.
Guidelines for Teams Attending Tournaments
WYSA encourages all teams that wish to attend tournaments to do so, and each year we provide paid entries for our Skill Centre and Academy teams.
Teams wishing to attend tournaments can be made up of players, from one or more league teams, as long as the players and team are all registered, and in good standing, with BC Soccer.
1. Out of province tournaments: BCSA application form
2. All players must be registered with and be in good standing with BCSA.
3. The Team going to tournament must be affiliated or in other words registered with BCSA through their district. For example a team that is playing within a league can take a core group of their league players then add players from other teams until they have enough to go to a tournament – this team is recognized by BCSA because it is affiliated/registered with BCSA through its league standing.
4. WYSA players will NOT be released to teams that are not affiliated/registered with BCSA. Parents of players wanting to go to tournaments with teams that are not affiliated/registered with BCSA need to be aware that there is NO insurance coverage for their child if they participate with one of these teams!
5. For 2025, WYSA covered up to 2 entries for spring tournaments for Skill Centre and Academy teams. However, check with the club as usually teams are on their own for planning and tournament fees.
6. Coaches can apply to WYSA to invite players from teams other than their Club team to go to tournaments, including players from any other COYSA Clubs: Lake Country, Mission, Kelowna, Rutland, Kelowna United, Okanagan FC and/or Westside.
7. Coaches of the team going to a tournament will email the player(s) they wish take from another club to WYSA’s Executive Director at ed@wysa.ca who will then send an official request to the other clubs.
8. Teams may NOT miss regular scheduled league games to attend tournaments.
9. Coaches, Parents, and Players are expected to uphold WYSA/COYSA/BCSA codes of conduct while attending tournaments.
Risk Management Check List for Teams attending Tournaments
1. Medical forms filled out and handed in to team officials.
2. Contact numbers (including cell phone) for parents and alternate are on file with team officials.
3. Emergency Action Plan has been made, people have taken designated roles, and everyone understands their role fully.
4. Chaperones are designated.
5. Cell phone numbers and accommodation information for chaperones are on file with team officials.
6. Cell phone numbers and contact info for coaches, chaperones, and hotel has been given to every player, coach, and chaperone in an easy to carry format (e.g. small card).
7. Address of each field you are playing at are with the coach, and with the person designated to make the emergency phone calls.
8. First aid supplies are fully stocked.
9. Equipment is in good repair.
In Case of Emergency
When an emergency happens, whether it is an injury or a missing player, a pre designated plan will allow everyone to act immediately in a highly effective manner to deal with the emergency.
The Team Head Coach should hold a meeting with all coaches, team managers, and chaperones prior to the tournament.
Brainstorm everything that could go wrong on while traveling to and from, while at the tournament, while at the hotel, time between games,
Create an Emergency Action Plan:
1. Designate a first aid responder, responsible for the first aid kit.
2. Designate someone to stay with the injured or affected person (injury, illness, anxiety etc.) including transportation to medical facility if necessary.
3. Designate someone to stay with the team.
4. Designate someone to be responsible for phoning: emergency personnel, parents, chaperones, and notifying WYSA.
5. Designate who will search if a player is missing.
6. Designate someone to document the incident including any follow-up required i.e. police report or medical requirements.
7. Have a team meeting at the hotel and review emergency exits at the hotel, review codes of conduct, review expectations of players for the field i.e. staying with chaperones, meeting points/times etc.
The Coaching Association of Canada has developed standards for the Rule of Two.
Canada Soccer expects that all organizations will work toward the Gold Standard – having two NCCP-trained or certified coaches always present with an athlete. If NCCP-trained or certified coaches are not available, screened volunteers (such as managers, support personnel, chaperones, and Directors of the club or organization) should be available instead. If screened volunteers are not available, parents of other athletes should be asked to temporarily substitute. If another adult is not available, there should always be more than one athlete with the coach (this is the lowest standard and is not recommended).
WYSA welcomes all individuals to participate in soccer and believes that embracing differences while removing barriers to promote diversity and equity and foster inclusion, is integral to serving the wider
soccer community.
Volunteers and staff in direct contact with children and youth are required to take the Respect in Sport course. This will ensure everyone understands the moral and ethical obligations they must uphold when delivering soccer to our players.
WYSA follows and upholds all Canada Soccer and BC Soccer policies regarding discipline of adults, children and youth involved in the sport of soccer.
Every human deserves to be well in mind, body and spirit. It is here we will share resources that, we hope, will aid in each individual’s path to wellness.
The Kids Help Phone website provides mental health resources and emergency support for children and youth.
Call 1-800-668-6868
Get support with these mental health resources – Kids Help Phone
Adult & Youth Resources and Crisis Support can be found at the BC Crisis Centre.
BetterHelp is an affordable, flexible and private online counselling service available to anyone.
Here is the medical form that each team coach or manager should have for each player on file and safely secured at all team events.
BCSA Air Quality Guidelines state that all soccer practices & training be cancelled when the Air Quality Health Index (AQHI) is 7 or higher. WYSA will make the call at 4pm each day for the entire evening and post on our social media (Facebook and INstagram). Please watch your social feed from WYSA or your coaches and/or track the AQHI yourselves.
Games will be cancelled at an AQHI of 7+ and this could happen before, at kick-off or during a game depending on how fast the air quality changes. Final say at or during a game is at the referee’s discretion.
BCSA Extreme Heat Guidelines outline that soccer be modified to ensure player safety between 30C-39C and cancelled at 40C+
Going forward we will make the call as forecasted and actual temperatures reach 40C Please watch WYSA's social media feed (Facebook and Instagram) or emails from your coaches for cancellations.
Games will be cancelled at 40C+ and this could happen before, at kick-off or during a game, final say at or during a game is at the referee's discretion.
Cancellations due to heat may occur at lower temperatures based on humidity and other factors that are having a clear and unhealthy impact on our athletes. This may be done prior to or during soccer by the district (COYSA), Club (WYSA), coaches or referees.